Tuesday, August 21, 2012

5'8" Flyers Fish progress

I've got the fish squared out and ready for the diamond cut method of doming the deck and puting in the rails.  Here is what it looks like before it comes alive.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Serena's 5'8" Fish Template, 5'3" Mini-Sims complete, & 6'3" Quad Sea Trials!

I finished up the 5'3" Mini-Simmons and got a really fun session in this week in some small, clean waves.  The half-moon keels were really loose in the small surf and really allowed the tail to be thrown around.  I'm looking forward to taking her out in some bigger surf soon!

My next project is making a 5'8" x 21.5" x 2.63" Quad Flyers Fish for Serena Bass.  She did the awesome graphic design work that I've started using on fins and I'm really excited that she chose me to build her next board.  Here is a pic of the outline traced before the first cuts were made:

Also, I've been able to surf w/ Jared on his new 6'3" Quad Flyers Fish and he is loving it!  Here is a pic of my twin keel and his quad: