Tuesday, January 1, 2013

5'10" x 16" x 21 1/2" x 16 3/4" x 2 11/16" Quad Fish Compete!

Here are some pics of the board taken at Mickler's Landing Beach in Ponte Vedra Beach.  The board measures 5'10" x 16" x 21.5" x 16.75" x 2.69" and sports S3 fronts and GX rears.  The bottom has one layer of 6oz glass with 4oz fin patches and I used a pink, white, clear and tiny bit of red as a resin swirl combo.  The deck has one full layer of 6oz glass with a 6oz deck patch and both sides were wetsanded to 320.  Adam and Julia came over before glassing to sign the deck for Christiana.

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