Sunday, June 24, 2012

6'3" Flyers' Fish & 5'3" Stub-nosed Mini Simmons

Here is what I've got on the shaping stands right now:

The Flyers' Fish is 6'3" x 16 3/8" x 22 7/8" x 16 7/8" x 3" for Jared.  We added a little extra foam than previous templates, but kept the nose streamlined to give that performance feel.  He has opted for a quad setup and a single to double concave with tail vee.

The Stub-nosed Mini Simmons is 5'3" x 20" x 23" x 20" x 17"(tail block) x 3 1/8".  I did a lot of research and development on this that I mean that I surfed the hell out of my 5'6" model!  The result is a shorter, stubbier profile.  I've thinned out the tail foil, kept the boxy rails and step-deck, but brought the rail line up for 40/60 rails.  It is still going to have a rolled entry and deep 1/4" single concave through the tail.  Fin setup is still in the air....half moon keels, traditional fish keels, quad, or possibly a twinze variation???  I'll post pics with whatever I decide in early July!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Handplanes, alaias, and wooden surfboard fins

Over the last couple of months I've broadened the operation and started making handplanes, alaias, and wooden fins with my brother-in-law, Jake.  He comes from a family of carpenters and makes custom furniture out of his workshop at home.  So, we've been firing up the routers, band saws, jigsaws, table saws, and all kinds of other tools and making some really great surf products!

The handplanes are made of poplar wood, stained, and sealed with polyurethane gloss.  They look sharp and are a ton of fun...especially when paired with swim fins or bodyboarding fins.

The alaias are made pretty much the same way, but feature a single concave running through the majority of the bottom.

The fins are a little trickier and require a blend of work-working and fiberglassing.  The end result is a sharp, classic looking fin!  I need to post a better picture, but this at least gives you an idea of what to expect.

New boards for summer!

Summer is here and I've been getting a ton of interest in alternative shapes that can perform in 1ft chop to overhead and clean.  I refined and combined some older templates to create a shape with a wide longboard style nose, forgiving full rails coupled with slightly rolled entry, standard shortboard rocker profile, a squash tail with thruster fin setup, and a double concave with vee through the tail.  The result is a board that catches everything, can handle cheater five nose rides, and can also be surfed from the tail like a traditional shortboard.  This thing is a blast!

We took out the new shape at the Pier for test drive.  Beginners and advanced surfers all loved it and I got orders for more!  Check out the pictures below.

  7'0" x 18.75" x 22.5" x 16.5" x 3" for Nick

7'0" x 17.5" x 21.75" x 15.5" x 2.75" for Shawna