Sunday, June 24, 2012

6'3" Flyers' Fish & 5'3" Stub-nosed Mini Simmons

Here is what I've got on the shaping stands right now:

The Flyers' Fish is 6'3" x 16 3/8" x 22 7/8" x 16 7/8" x 3" for Jared.  We added a little extra foam than previous templates, but kept the nose streamlined to give that performance feel.  He has opted for a quad setup and a single to double concave with tail vee.

The Stub-nosed Mini Simmons is 5'3" x 20" x 23" x 20" x 17"(tail block) x 3 1/8".  I did a lot of research and development on this that I mean that I surfed the hell out of my 5'6" model!  The result is a shorter, stubbier profile.  I've thinned out the tail foil, kept the boxy rails and step-deck, but brought the rail line up for 40/60 rails.  It is still going to have a rolled entry and deep 1/4" single concave through the tail.  Fin setup is still in the air....half moon keels, traditional fish keels, quad, or possibly a twinze variation???  I'll post pics with whatever I decide in early July!

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