Saturday, June 23, 2012

Handplanes, alaias, and wooden surfboard fins

Over the last couple of months I've broadened the operation and started making handplanes, alaias, and wooden fins with my brother-in-law, Jake.  He comes from a family of carpenters and makes custom furniture out of his workshop at home.  So, we've been firing up the routers, band saws, jigsaws, table saws, and all kinds of other tools and making some really great surf products!

The handplanes are made of poplar wood, stained, and sealed with polyurethane gloss.  They look sharp and are a ton of fun...especially when paired with swim fins or bodyboarding fins.

The alaias are made pretty much the same way, but feature a single concave running through the majority of the bottom.

The fins are a little trickier and require a blend of work-working and fiberglassing.  The end result is a sharp, classic looking fin!  I need to post a better picture, but this at least gives you an idea of what to expect.

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